MZ Assistant for Android

MZA Multi-platform...

MZA for MacOS-Linux-Windows was developed to have the application over any operative system.



Released Versions:

  Last Version - 3.8.4

- Soccer - Tab Players - add Leal player - now you could identifiy & mark the Leal player doing a click over the icon near the player name.
- Soccer & Hockey - General - Error downloading Match Images after Managerzone Cloud server migration.

Version - 3.8.3

- Soccer - Tab Players - Show Retired (red) & Normal player in the player list.
- Soccer - Tab Players - Training Camp for the Season issue solved, nos is showed if the player use the Treining Camp on the season.
- Soccer - Tab Tactics/Statistics / Training - Issue fixed with training positions of some players.
- Soccer & Hockey - Tab Connection - Now it is showed the Team Badge from MZ.
- Soccer - Tab Connection - Now it is showed the Stadium image for our team in MZ.
- Soccer - Tab Connection - Now it is showed the User image for our user in MZ.
- Soccer - General - Performance fix for Player/Matches statistics to run faster the program after refreshing data.

Version - 3.8.2

- Soccer & Hockey - Tab Players - Scouting Report: now you could add the Scounting Report in each player.
- Soccer - Tab Matches - Recover Old Matches. Now you could recover old matches with the Match ID, you could do it with one or a list of match ids
- Soccer & Hockey - Tab Matches - Match Report, now we can show the text Match Report.
- Soccer & Hockey - Connection - It was added more details on team changes in skills, etc.
- Soccer & Hockey - Tab Players - Training Fields Icons & Packages, now it is showing the same icon than MZ and with the package number too.
- Soccer & Hockey - Tab Players - Daily Training Report, now the skill image & the training camp icon is showed into the report.
- Soccer & Hockey - General - Solution applies for special caracters in Cups like Sigmund's Cup

Version - 3.8.1

- General - Soccer & Hockey - Now you can select the MZA Colors for BackGround, Grid, Buttons, etc and in the same place you could Select a Logo/Badge for you team (60x60 px recommended).
- General - Soccer - Solved: Now the MZA is not giving error when you have more than 56 players. Now the limit is 84 players.
- Extras / Players - Soccer - Now you can select & copy from ManagerZone the players Skills from Transfer Market and paste into the Extras Tab to get the values & compare with some of your pleayers.
- Training Fields - Tactics Tab - Soccer - Solved the problem with the training player positions.
- Players Tab - Soccer & Hockey - Now over the MZ Value & Salary you could see the variation from last weeks in Green & Red indicating that the value increse or decrease in comparison with the current value.
- Players Tab - Soccer & Hockey - All the 100 countries flags were added (Up to 3.8.1 only 52 countries flags were in MZA).
- Players Tab - Soccer & Hockey - NEW FUNCTIONALITY - now you could mark what skills were trained when the player went to a Young Camp, this new feature you could do it manualy clicking the "Config Maxed" and there you will have a new Checkbox to select what skill the player trained. Apart from that you could get Automatically from your Training Camp history this skill trained for the player selected or for all the players to simplify the first input in all the players.

Version - 3.7.8

- General - Solved: Slow Download Of Matches.
- Matches / Analysis Rival - Get 3d - Store 3D games and watch OFFLINE - Solved Login Changes.
- Leagues / Analysis - Solved Error when the Team is Off.

Version - 3.7.7

- General - Problem Solved: Transfer History problem Oct-14 2014.

Version - 3.7.6

- General - Fixed bug for automatic maxed untrained skills (Wednesday / Sunday or not complete training).
- Players - Training Report (Aggregate Training Camp new indicator)
- General - Now the new player arrieved without no maxed marks
- General - Fixed Error with new users without ranking N-A
- Players - Training Report (Aggregate Training Camp new indicator)
- General - automatic maxed untrained skills.
- Backup Automatic / Manual - Every 10 Connections the backup will be done automatically but may do so manually at any time.

Version - 3.7.5

- General - Fixed bug for automatic maxed untrained skills (Wednesday / Sunday or not complete training).
- General - Now the new player arrieved without no maxed marks
- General - Fixed Error with new users without ranking N-A
- Players Tab - Filter by Uxx - now you could filter players selecting UXX radio button and selectiong the age...then you have to press "Apply Filters".
- Players Tab - Sorting by Birth Date - by doing click over the bith date.
- Players Tab - Sorting by Sale Date - by doing click over the date that you could sell the player.
- Extras - Fix Employees Salary - recover data from DB and add the amount.

Version - 3.7.4

- Matches / Analysis Rival - Get 3d - Store 3D games and watch OFFLINE.
- Players - Training Report (Aggregate Training Camp indicator)
- General - Fixed bug in Version Control
- Extras - Fix Employees Salary - now could place manually as we were doing with the Sponsor, etc.
- General - automatic maxed untrained skills.
- Players - Sorting by GB - Gained Balls - Sort in ascending from the players who gained ball. From player that just won the ball to other than won a ball some days ago.
- Players - Sorting by ? - Predicting when the next balon will be gained - Sort in ascending from the players who will win soon balloons to which would win balls in more days.
- Selection - Filter by SubXX - You can now select the tactics for SubXX from 18-31 years.
- Tactics Selection - Sub Filter XX - You can now select the tactics for SubXX from 18-40 years.
- Matches - Details Rival - Now shows the Rival Team ID.
- Matches - Filters - you can now filter by ID equipment to eliminate the possibility of a filter 2 teams are called the same.
- Analysis of Rivals - Details Rival - Now displays the ID team Opponent team to analyze.
- Backup Automatic / Manual - Every 10 Connections the backup will be done automatically but may do so manually at any time.
- Players - Training Plans - Default Position Control removed, Generate plan for all positions.

Version - 3.7.3

- Error 417 - SOLVED.
- Error when team has more than 56 actives players.

Version - 3.7.2

- Players - New Training Day report with all the bar images that it shows us the report as we show in MZ.
- Connection - Team Home - Team Information. We could show here the information that we put in MZ for our team.
- Connection - Team News - News about our team like trainer offers, frendly leagues and cups invitation and other information about players, etc.
- Connection - Guestbook - Now we could see our MZ Guestbook in MZA.

Version - 3.7

- Automatic Version Upgrade. - Training Plan - now the Plan is created for all the player positions without pay attention to the default position. - Extra Tab, now you can choose the default tactic to save it when you get new data. - Matches Types, solved the problem with the new Matches Types. This solve the problem over Filters, Opponent Analysis and Matches. - Now if a player deteriorates is indicated in the Log when you receive the data.

Version - 3.6.0

- Players tab - add the ability to filter on U21 players (as is the same as U18 Youth) - Selection tab - Tactics - add the possibility to set up the tactic selecting if we take into account ALL players, U26, U23, U21 or U18, as what we want. - Players tab - Boost indicator - to see our players where we have this new feature in ManagerZone. - Players Skillers Export (copy to clipboard or notepad). - Analyze Rivals - from Upcoming Matches / Games Played when you select the Match, you could analyze your rival. - Selection & Tactic Selection Tab - filters Tactics Teams - (more info Players - U26/U23/U21/U18 now shows, fitness, injuries and TC) - Trained ability, skill Maxed or Not Maxed, automatically placed on the ability when the training so indicates. - Matches Tab - Filter by Type of Tactic's Rival. - Player Tab - National Team Player Indicator. - Automatic creation of database when the database doesn't exists.

Last Version - 3.5.0

- Extras Tab - Ability to Remove the F11 as the Toolbar MZA hotkey. - Extras Tab - Set Bars Colors for the Training Advancement and other bars. - Players tab - Injured Players are shown, if present can we see an Icon alert. - Players tab - If we not choose a default player position, it is not marked in dark gray. - General - Fixed bug with no name players, getting data from matches details. - Extras Tab - Now you can see the total number of balls of selected or simulated players. - Players tab - Ordering - Now you can sort by: Age: now takes the Season / Day of Birth, Goal, Yellow and Red Cards, For players who went to the EC or by stay in the EC. - Tactics / Selection Tactics Tab - were added more details to pass up players tactics, age, salary, value, etc.. - General - Yellow Cards - Players to the limit of the suspension Control, fixed a bug when the player received two yellow in a match and already had two in the league, also now has only the warnings of the current league, besides take only the active players of the team. - Tab League - new compact analysis of league teams, information button that lets you view your teams league. - Facebook link...

Last Version - 3.4.1

- Progress Bar Configurable in th Extras Tab - To show clearer the training bar indicator.

Last Version - 3.4.0

- Player Tab - Now you have chance to order the players by the Prediction of the next ball to gain (the column ? ) - Bug solved when a new player arrive to the Club (Error in DBNull) - Tab Connection, Financial Status, when the amount is less than zero, now is show in RED. - Opponent Analysis, now you have a button with all the Player details of all the teams that the opponent played included the opponent team as we have in the League Detail. - Players in Training Camp, now the players in the TC train better than the normal camp, in order to be more effective in the prediction balls - Tactic Selection, now we have a checkbox to select what player we want to include in the Automatic Selection. - Reds Cards and Yellow Cards. Now in the Players Tab, near Transfer History button, we have 2 buttons that appear if we have Player Suspended or Players in the limit to be suspended (Red Cards button and Yellow button) this is for all the Leagues/Cup/Private Cup. - Training Camp History, now when you have a player in the Training Camp the MZA save the TC details. A new button appear next to player's birthday. - Time Format in the Grids, now all the time format will be HH:MM - Add Training Day, now you can copy the training day from another existing day. - Team Notes, now you have the opportunity to have Notes for the Team, in the Tab Connection, next Financial Status. - Default Position by Players you have to select the Default position for all the players in order to have the chance to do the Training Plan (with double click in the position label next SC Values in the Players Tab, when is selected a position you will be show the position in dark gray). - Training Plan Configuration, Extras Tab - this option allows us to configuration as we want the weights and order of trainings all the skills for the positions in the field. This information will be use in the Training Plan for the Players. - Training Plan, Players Tab - now we have a button to generate a Training Plan for the Default position selected for the player (button near Player ID at the top) - Connection time optimization when the MZA download information from web services.

Previuos Version - 3.3.0

- Matches Tab: now you can put and save the tactic that you use for the matches and select from your tactics the Tactic-Style-Agressive, and you can see the Tactic structure for both team too (4-3-3, 4-4-2, etc.) - Players Tab: averages of points by position in the field for the last 120 matches played. - Players Tab: sell date indicator (Green you can sell with a minimum of taxes, red...) - Players Tab: Season and MZ Day indicator. - Connection -> if some players doesn't have training, the training day is not add to the database. Great time enhancement when you select the players into Tab Players. - Players Tab, Total Efficience sort "Effic". - Export to CSV from all the DataGrids. - Matches Tab, "Delete Matches" button, have some filters in order to delete matches with this options...WARNING IF YOU PUT SOME WRONG FILTER YOU CAN DELETE MATCHES THAT YOU NEVER RECOVER. - Matches Tab, Filters with a new Value Range, to see the matches played with team between the values that you need to see...- New Button of Connection Logs into Tab Connection. - Next Birthday, passing over the current season Birtday you will see the next birthday. - Extra Tab - Racalculate Palyer Values to recalculate at the moment the values of the players. - Database Backup before compact the database. - Authomatic delete of Upcoming matches that was played - for users that not connect the MZA everyday. - Connection Log - now you can see with differents colours the changes of our players (No Progress, New Player, etc.). - Bug solved when a New Player arrive. - Translation funcionality in the Extra Tab - Great Time Reduction in Translation Messges and with this change the APPLICATION STARTUP FASTER... - MZ ASSISTANT HOCKEY

Previuos Version - 3.2

- Coach Contract Calculation... - Estimated Salary for Youths too, from the club arrive to now. - Bug solved into stadium finances with DBNull error. - Weekly Financial Calculation - Now if your team played as a Home team League or Friendly the MZA add or not the amount of Incomes for this matches. - Players Tab - Player Statistics pressing the Statistics button. Display all the data for the matches played by position. - Financial Tab - Last Transactions Button, now you can see the last 15 fnancial transactions of your team. - Players Tab - Form-Matches Played, you will see from tuesday to monday the quantity of matches (Leagues and Friendlies) that the player played to control the form (0 to 4 in Green, 5 & 6 en Black and more than 7 in Red). - League Tab - new 2 buttons * Analyze League, get all the information about all the teams of your League. * League Detail, show you all the information about the team that you select in the combo as Players, Values, Salaries, etc. and some sumarized information and averages. - MZA Toolbar, is a toolbar that appear if you want (in Extra tab you config this) where you can show the players that you have and the players skills and others... - F11 Hot Key - when you press F11 key, the program will run the MZA Toolbar. - MZA System Tray. - Players Tab - Now the balls that are less or equal to 3 will show with a light green colour. - Player Tab - Now you can show the progress training bar for the next ball - MZ Assistant Light Version - Small and Fast version to have s simple functionality to manage our team.

Previus functionalities - 3.1

- Loading Application time reduction... - Tactics - Display Skill (selected by a combo) Number of Balls over Players (When you select Tactic A-B-C). - Tactics - Display all the Players Skills when you pass over the Player with the mouse - Bug Solved - Reading Financial Status - Matches Detail - Home/Away Detail Tab - Now display the player's age. - Matches Detail - Match ID. - Player Detail - Player ID and in the Player Detail History Screen the Bought Price. - Financial Tab - Friendlies Value x 2 - Connection Tab - Manual MZA Check Last Version (Accepted by the user) - Tactics Selection - NEW TAB - Have a lot of features as: * Authomatic Selection of Tactics (4-4-2, 4-3-3, etc. including Substitutes) * Manual Selection of Tactics clicking the players from the images and doing a Drag and Drop * Display Skills Number of Balls over Players (Selected in the Combo). * Display all the Players Skills when you pass over the Player with the mouse

Previuos functionalities - 2.35

- Matches - Details - Players Match Evaluation (0-10) - Matches - Filters by Player Match Positions - Matches - Filters by Won, raw and Lost - Players - Show Active and Inactive players. - Matches Details - Players Values details. - Trainers/Statistics - Show rainers details (name, skills, salary) - Add/Modify Training Day - Bug solved - SC Values Configuration - Default SC Button to recover the defaut value when you changed it - Players - Trainings - Filters in data trainings - NoChange - Gained Balls - Seniors - Youths - Trainers/Statistics - Weekly Financial Detail - Players - Trainings - Skill Translation to the selected language - Statistics - as Best Player, Best Income, etc. - Players - Trainings - Filter by Total Training Percentage. - Windows Vista 64 compatible.

Previous Functionalities - 2.31

- Friendly Leagues Standings - Chinese, Italian, Dutch, German languages. (Unknown language provides you the possibility to translate to any language) - Players History - you can see now the changes in Salary, Age, Speed, Stamina, etc. - Records Tab in the Matches Tab, same colors for the similar columns. - Training Camp Costs Calculate (Tactics and Comparison) - SC Values Configuration, now you can change the default values. - When a player is Injury, now you can see the Red Cross and the injury details. - Matches Details (now you don't have to do scroll all is in the same grid) - Excel Exports (Players Details, Trainings, Players History, Transfers, Team History, League Fixture and Standings, Traingings With Number Ball) - Trainings Gained Balls Predictions